Techniques for Measuring Potato Tuber Sugar Content

Webinar Summary
Potato tuber sugar levels impact many decisions made by producers and processors.  The PAA Physiology Section will host a webinar to provide an overview of common methods used for measuring potato tuber sugar levels.  These include high pressure liquid chromatography, Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) sampling equipment as well as a microplate assay.  We plan to discuss the equipment required, test accuracy and sample preparation necessary for the outlined methods.  Speakers will talk for half of the allotted time prior to answering questions from the audience.  Anyone interested in learning more about these techniques is encouraged to register and attend.

Cost: Free for everyone

Registration Instructions

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2/26/2025 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
Event Begins At 12:00 PM Central Link will be sent prior to event

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